“…the other cursed women…”
There is no record of Sims’s experimental subjects. However, as Anarcha was leased to Montgomery Hall, it follows that Sims would have sought to further offset the expense of keeping the women in his hospital by employing them where he could, when they were not being experimented on.
“…Merry Christmas Sims…”
Harris, S. (1950). Woman's surgeon: The life story of J. Marion Sims. New York: Macmillan, p. 93.
“There were cockfights…a bullfight…”
Read, N. C., Read, D., & Read, J. C. (2005). Deep family. Montgomery, AL: NewSouth Books, p. 44.
“…the capital of Alabama…”
Read, N. C., Read, D., & Read, J. C. (2005). Deep family. Montgomery, AL: NewSouth Books, p. 40.
“…the militia paraded through town…”
The “True Blues,” pictured in front of Montgomery Hall.
“…a julep at eleven o’clock.”
Olmsted, F. L. (1861). The cotton kingdom. New York: Mason Bros., p. 16.
“…drawing rooms…public bedrooms…”
“The Old Montgomery Hall,” Hannah McIntyre Cozart, the Montgomery Journal, August 6, 1916, p. 13.
“Beyond the dining room…”
“The Old Montgomery Hall,” Hannah McIntyre Cozart, the Montgomery Journal, August 6, 1916, p. 13.
“…a promenade gallery…”
“The Old Montgomery Hall,” Hannah McIntyre Cozart, the Montgomery Journal, August 6, 1916, p. 13.
“Prominent families…”
“The Old Montgomery Hall,” Hannah McIntyre Cozart, the Montgomery Journal, August 6, 1916, pp. 12-13.