“…had become vice president…”
Hatfield, M. O., & Wolff, W. (1997). Vice Presidents of the United States, 1789-1993. Washington (D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, pp. 186-87.
“…tuberculosis…go to Cuba…”
“The Faces of William Rufus King,” Daniel Fate Brooks, Alabama Heritage, Vol. 69, Summer 2003, p. 22.
“…he became vice president there.”
“The Faces of William Rufus King,” Daniel Fate Brooks, Alabama Heritage, Vol. 69, Summer 2003, p. 22.
“He set out for home.”
“The Faces of William Rufus King,” Daniel Fate Brooks, Alabama Heritage, Vol. 69, Summer 2003, p. 23.
“…at his plantation in Selma.”
“The Faces of William Rufus King,” Daniel Fate Brooks, Alabama Heritage, Vol. 69, Summer 2003, p. 23.
“…vice president for a month.”
“The Faces of William Rufus King,” Daniel Fate Brooks, Alabama Heritage, Vol. 69, Summer 2003, p. 23.
“…the plantation’s doctor woman…”
While Anarcha appears a number of times in Harris estate records, there is no indication of what work she was compelled to perform there. My assertion that she now transitioned into the position of plantation nurse or granny or doctor woman is consistent with what is known of her later life (described later in the book), when she was acting as a midwife at Old Mansion in Virginia, and lived in a cabin that was described as “out” away from the main house, apparently not contiguous with the slave quarters. This would be consistent with what is known of Anarcha’s condition, at the time, and it is consistent what earlier records of her life suggest, as well.
In an 1855 Harris estate document, Washington appears as a seven-year-old, valued at $600. The Harris estate materials are held at the Montgomery County Archives in Montgomery, Alabama.