“There was a drowned woman…”

The New York Times (New York City, NY), May 9, 1853.

“…the back of her head caved in…”

The New York Times (New York City, NY), May 9, 1853.

“…struggled in vain to return life…”

The New York Times (New York City, NY), May 9, 1853.

“…quilts from their homes…”

The New York Times (New York City, NY), May 9, 1853.

“…to transport a worthless cripple…”

Although no details survive about what the Harris family decided to do after the accident, what is known is 1) enslaved people could not be kept in New York indefinitely; 2) Catherine Duncan remained in the North (she went on to be courted by Sims’s assistant in New York, Thomas Addis Emmet, as will soon be described; and 3) Nathan Harris was back in Alabama by May 21, in time to be interviewed by a paper there.

As will be seen, I have Anarcha remaining a short time longer in Alabama, before she once again travels north with Thomas Addis Emmet, who came to Alabama to marry Catherine Duncan. Other routes of her passage to Richmond are also possible.

The Sumter Democrat (Livingston, AL), May 21, 1853, p. 2.

“…would be taxed sixty cents…”

From Nathan Harris tax documents dating from 1854, retrieved from Ancestry.com.