“…word spread of a cure…”
“Bozeman quickly learned…”
“…the sorts of experiments with silver wire…”
“In May 1850…”
“…a bit of silver embedded…”
“…the face of a young boy.”
“…long used to wearing it.”
“…the principal portion of the lower jaw…”
“Between 1849 and 1852…”
“He performed two such procedures…”
“…warty growths…”
“…a difficult hemorrhoid patient.”
“…to tie off the thin stalks…”
“…word spread of a cure…”
See “…he had achieved a success…” above.
“Bozeman quickly learned…”
Harris, S. (1950). Woman's surgeon: The life story of J. Marion Sims. New York: Macmillan, p. 104.
“…the sorts of experiments with silver wire…”
I think it’s clear that Levert was thinking of applications broader than arteries and dogs, but was not going to undertake those experiments himself.
“Experiments on the Use of Metallic Ligatures, as Applied to Arteries,” Henry S. Levert, The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Vol. 7, May 1829, p. 23.
“In May 1850…”
Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, p. 32.
“…a bit of silver embedded…”
Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, p. 33.
“…the face of a young boy.”
Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, p. 33.
“…long used to wearing it.”
Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, p. 33.
“…the principal portion of the lower jaw…”
Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, pp. 37-38.
“Between 1849 and 1852…”
Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, pp. 37-39.
“He performed two such procedures…”
Notably, Sims never himself wrote about the stories of Louisa and Lavinia.
“Urethro-Vaginal, Vesico-Vaginal, and Recto-Vaginal Fistules; General Remarks; Reports of Cases Successfully Treated with Button Suture,” Nathan Bozeman, The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 17, 1860, pp. 184-85.
Bozeman, N. (1884). History of the clamp suture of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims, and why it was abandoned by the profession, p. 23.
“…warty growths…”
“Pedicle Secured by Silver Wire After the Failure of the Actual Cautery to Arrest the Hemorrhage: Cure,” J. Marion Sims, British Medical Journal, January 19, 1867, pp. 50-51.
“…a difficult hemorrhoid patient.”
“Pedicle Secured by Silver Wire After the Failure of the Actual Cautery to Arrest the Hemorrhage: Cure,” J. Marion Sims, British Medical Journal, January 19, 1867, p. 51.
“…to tie off the thin stalks…”
“Pedicle Secured by Silver Wire After the Failure of the Actual Cautery to Arrest the Hemorrhage: Cure,” J. Marion Sims, British Medical Journal, January 19, 1867, p. 51.