“…the office of Henry Raymond.”
Sims’s account of the meeting with Raymond was even briefer—again, I have taken some likely liberties, here. The advertisement included in the printed book appeared in the May 18, 1854 edition of the New York Times. Stuart and Sims may have hoped that the advertisement would appear on p.1—in actuality, it appeared on p. 8.
“Raymond had once written for Greeley…”
“Next was Frank Leslie…”
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper was not among the papers that Sims listed in his description of traveling around the city with Stuart. However, Frank Leslie and Sims would, in fact, go on to be acquaintances, and Sims figured heavily in an episode late in Leslie’s life that I have not written about in this book. Sims did, in fact, appear regularly in Leslie’s newspaper, including this profile from June 24, 1876, p. 253.
“…Frederic Hudson…”
SIMS, J. Marion, (1885). The Story of my Life, ed. by H. Marion-Sims. D. Appleton & Co: New York, p. 283.
“…Benjamin Day…”
Sims did not list Benjamin Day, but he was surely among the list of editors they visited.
“…a total of fifteen publications…”
SIMS, J. Marion, (1885). The Story of my Life, ed. by H. Marion-Sims. D. Appleton & Co: New York, p. 283.
“…received Stuart casually…”
SIMS, J. Marion, (1885). The Story of my Life, ed. by H. Marion-Sims. D. Appleton & Co: New York, p. 283.
“Sims told a truncated version…”
Such as this version.
“Two Cases of Vesico-Vaginal Fistula, Cured,” New York Medical Gazette and Journal of Health, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1854, p. 1
“…the heroism and valor…”
Sims comments need to be read not only in light of the fact that he was now addressing an abolitionist audience—it should also be recalled that he chose enslaved women for his experimental subjects when he could just as easily have chosen white women. Furthermore, he did not make any concerted effort to fully document the Alabama experiments, even though he had signaled that he would do so. Last, even though Sims eventually traveled broadly, he made no effort to see that his fistula cure made it was to Africa—the home of the women he celebrated as courageous.
Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, p. 55.