“…‘the greatest gynecologist…’”
“Abstracts—Nathan Bozeman,” The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science, Vol. 40-41, 1969-70, p. 129.
“…he was invited boar hunting…”
The hunting expedition actually dates from some years later than Bozeman’s initial trip abroad.
Bozeman, J. W. (1885). Sketches of the Bozeman family. Meridian, Miss: Mercury Pub. Co., pp. 34-35.
“…he was on the staff of Woman’s Hospital…”
Bozeman, J. W. (1885). Sketches of the Bozeman family. Meridian, Miss: Mercury Pub. Co., p. 35.
“…sworn enemies since 1856.”
This episode is fully documented in a later chapter.
“…ejected from the hospital he created.”
This episode is fully documented later in a later chapter.
“…the ninth child…”
Bozeman, J. W. (1885). Sketches of the Bozeman family. Meridian, Miss: Mercury Pub. Co., p. 33.
“…had moved through Maryland…”
“Nathan Bozeman,” Emmet B. Carmichael, Alabama Journal of Medicine and Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1969, p. 233.
“Bozeman was a large man…”
Bozeman, J. W. (1885). Sketches of the Bozeman family. Meridian, Miss: Mercury Pub. Co., p. 35.