“…always had a good husband…”

Letter from Charles Mason to James T. White, December 11, 1864, original held in the Maury Family materials at the Special Collections department of the Swem Library at William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia.

“…glimpsed through a telescope…”

See “…his vision was not of a falling star…” and “…paid six cents…,” above.

“Four lines emerged…”

The New York Times (New York, NY), October 11, 1858, p. 1.

“Ankey 1858.”

The image of Anarcha’s birth in 1858 printed in The Anarcha Quest comes from original birth registers, or transcripts of registers, of Caroline County, held at the Library of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. I am indebted to Char McCargo Bah for making the first discovery of some of these records.

“…Charles Walker Maury.”

See “…six weeks after Anarcha got pregnant…,” above.

“Arena gave birth…”

See “…Maury eeded the money,” above. From original birth registers, or transcripts of registers, of Caroline County, held at the Library of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. I am indebted to Char McCargo Bah for making the first discovery of some of these records.

“…he was doing carpentry work…”

From slightly later in the history, but likely in keeping with what was routine.

Letter from K.F. Maury to Ann Maury, from Old Mansion, February 24, 1863, held in the Maury Family Collection at the Special Collections department of Alderman Library at the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“…planting cabbage seeds…”

Letter from Ann Maury to “Cousin,” probably Ann Fontaine Maury’s mother, March 6, 1861, held in the Maury Family Collection at the Special Collections department of Alderman Library at the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“…portraits made of the two sons…”

This actually references her daughter Harry—Harriet—but I am assuming that if she did portraits for her daughter she would have done them for her sons as well.

Letter from K.F. Maury to Ann Maury, from Old Mansion, February 24, 1863, held in the Maury Family Collection at the Special Collections department of Alderman Library at the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“…in early 1860…”

The document listing the births of Anne Fontaine Maury is in the possession of Steve Nicklin, a former owner of Old Mansion in Bowling Green, Virginia.

“…until it burst into two pieces…”

The Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, VA), July 25, 1860, p. 3.