“…at home with a pen.”

“The Cure of Barrenness,” unsigned, The Medical Times and Gazette, February 10, 1866, p. 151.

“…‘On Extreme Surgical Tendencies of Uterine Pathologists’.”

“On Extreme Surgical Tendencies of Uterine Pathologists; And on the Division of the Cervix Uteri,” E.J. Tilt, Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London, Vol. 8, 1866, pp. 262-69.

“…Tilt reviewed Clinical Notes…

“On Extreme Surgical Tendencies of Uterine Pathologists; And on the Division of the Cervix Uteri,” E.J. Tilt, Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London, Vol. 8, 1866, pp. 262-63.

“…On the Curability…

“…a biting, satiric pamphlet…”

Scoffern, J., & Royal College of Surgeons of England. (1867). The London Surgical Home, or, modern surgical psychology: Being a popular statement of the operations therein performed by Mr. Isaac Baker Brown. (Medical Heritage Library.) London: Published by Dr. Scoffern.

“…lauded Brown in grandiose language…”

Scoffern, J., & Royal College of Surgeons of England. (1867). The London Surgical Home, or, modern surgical psychology: Being a popular statement of the operations therein performed by Mr. Isaac Baker Brown. (Medical Heritage Library.) London: Published by Dr. Scoffern, p. 4.

“…brilliant kleptodectomic operation…”

I am, of course, approximating the tone of Scoffern’s entire pamphlet.

Scoffern, J., & Royal College of Surgeons of England. (1867). The London Surgical Home, or, modern surgical psychology: Being a popular statement of the operations therein performed by Mr. Isaac Baker Brown. (Medical Heritage Library.) London: Published by Dr. Scoffern, p. 9.

“…expect of a woman’s hand…”

Scoffern, J., & Royal College of Surgeons of England. (1867). The London Surgical Home, or, modern surgical psychology: Being a popular statement of the operations therein performed by Mr. Isaac Baker Brown. (Medical Heritage Library.) London: Published by Dr. Scoffern, p. 10.

“The affliction of a too-long tongue…”

Scoffern, J., & Royal College of Surgeons of England. (1867). The London Surgical Home, or, modern surgical psychology: Being a popular statement of the operations therein performed by Mr. Isaac Baker Brown. (Medical Heritage Library.) London: Published by Dr. Scoffern, p. 11.

“…the quick pass of a fine blade…”

Scoffern, J., & Royal College of Surgeons of England. (1867). The London Surgical Home, or, modern surgical psychology: Being a popular statement of the operations therein performed by Mr. Isaac Baker Brown. (Medical Heritage Library.) London: Published by Dr. Scoffern, p. 12.