“…tied down for hours…”

“The Causation, Course, and Treatment of Insanity in Women,” Horatio Storer, Transactions of the American Medical Association, Vol. 16, p. 225, available through the AMA website.

“…the maidenly reserve…”

“The Causation, Course, and Treatment of Insanity in Women,” Horatio Storer, Transactions of the American Medical Association, Vol. 16, p. 172, available through the AMA website.

“…their second sexual childhood?”

“The Causation, Course, and Treatment of Insanity in Women,” Horatio Storer, Transactions of the American Medical Association, Vol. 16, p. 168, available through the AMA website.

“…from a source outside the brain…”

“The Causation, Course, and Treatment of Insanity in Women,” Horatio Storer, Transactions of the American Medical Association, Vol. 16, p. 157, available through the AMA website.

“…sympathy with other organs…”

“The Causation, Course, and Treatment of Insanity in Women,” Horatio Storer, Transactions of the American Medical Association, Vol. 16, pp. 128, 162, available through the AMA website.

“…of a surgical character.”

“The Causation, Course, and Treatment of Insanity in Women,” Horatio Storer, Transactions of the American Medical Association, Vol. 16, p. 131, available through the AMA website.

“…to artificially induce menopause?”

“Normal Ovariotomy,” Robert Battey, The Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 10, No. 6 September 1872, p. 321.

“…‘normal ovariotomy.’”

“Normal Ovariotomy,” Robert Battey, The Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 10, No. 6 September 1872, p. 321.

“Sims thought it a misnomer…”

“Remarks on Battey’s Operation,” J. Marion Sims, British Medical Journal, December 29, 1877, p. 918.

“…a kind of paternal kinship…”

Sims never stated this directly, but the similarities between his own career and Battey’s—two young men from remote locations in the South attempting to establish their names and careers with radical surgical procedures peformed on women—could not have been lost on Sims. Furthermore, there is no clear reason why Sims championed Battey’s operation as vigorously as he did (he wrote four separate articles about his own attempts at Battey’s operation). Last, the tone of Sims’s letters to Battery, taken as a whole, exhibit a chummy, filial tone.

Additionally, I am condensing time here, somewhat. Battey’s operation was announced in 1872, but Sims and Battey did not begin to correspond until a couple of years later.

“…to name the procedure for himself…”

See “Sims thought it a misnomer…,” above.

“…what he could do in the periodicals…”

Letter from J. Marion Sims to Robert Battey, October 12, 1877, in the Robert Battey materials at the Atlanta History Center in Atlanta, Georgia.