“…‘fistula tourism’…”

“Humanitarian ventures or ‘fistula tourism?’: the ethical perils of pelvic surgery in the developing world,” L. Lewis Wall, et. al., International Urogynecology Journal, Vol. 17, 2006, p. 559.

“…sounded good in press releases…”

A 2005 effort in Nigeria to cure 500 women resulted in four deaths, an extremely high percentage for fistula surgery, which even in Sims’s time was understood to be non-life threatening. The effort’s report on the deaths is woefully incomplete.

“The Fistula Fortnight: Healing Wounds, Renewing Hope,” a report on an effort organized by the Federal Government of Nigeria, the State Governments of Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, and Sokoto, and the United Nations Population Fund, p. 23.

“…Kees Waaldijk…”

Details on the life of Kees Waaldjik come from phone interviews conducted in 2019. I have used quotation marks very sparingly throughout the printed bookbut it seemed important to indicate specifically in Waaldjik’s case which phrases were actually uttered by him, particularly in regard to statements that aligned with things Sims once said.