“…only the lead shot remained visible.”
Bozeman, N. (1884). History of the clamp suture of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims, and why it was abandoned by the profession, p. 21.
See “…a fistulous slave…,” above.
Bozeman, N. (1884). History of the clamp suture of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims, and why it was abandoned by the profession, pp. 24-25.
“…as interested in fistula…”
Bozeman never expressed this thought explicitly, but it is in keeping with the trajectory of his relationship with Sims, and the nature of his publications about him, as well. As with the case of Delia (see “…Delia…,” above), Bozeman would take pains to note that Sims never wrote about her case, or about the cases of other enslaved women that Sims experimented on after the experiments that culminated in Anarcha’s “cure.” As will be seen in later chapters, Sims abandoned a lot of the fistula work, leaving it to Thomas Addis Emmet, in New York, so that he could focus on other work. I am assuming the same thing would have happened with Bozeman—particularly when Sims was wanting to see what he could achieve with silver wire.
“…aversion to the diseases of women…”
See “…he hated it,” above.
“…he summered in New York every year…”
See “…the subject of local gossip,” above.
“…sometimes hinting that wire sutures…”
See “…the sorts of experiments with silver wire…,” above.
This is exactly what Sims will do in a few years’ time.
See “He performed two such procedures…,” above.
Bozeman, N. (1884). History of the clamp suture of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims, and why it was abandoned by the profession, pp. 23-24.
See “He performed two such procedures…,” above.
“Urethro-Vaginal, Vesico-Vaginal, and Recto-Vaginal Fistules; General Remarks; Reports of Cases Successfully Treated with Button Suture,” Nathan Bozeman, The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 17, 1860, p. 184.
“…then they disappeared…”
It is clear from Bozeman’s accounts that his knowledge of the cases was not always first hand, and sometimes he was relying on what the young women told him, once they returned for treatment later. As is described later, Bozeman reported having cured both Lavinia and Louisa.