“…fallen in love with one of his slaves.”

Wingfield, M., & Wingfield, E. M. (2005). A history of Caroline County, Virginia: From its formation in 1727 to 1924. Baltimore: Reprinted for Clearfield Co. by Genealogical Pub., p. 358.

“…only white people saw her.”

Narrative of George Conrad, Jr. See “…didn’t work on white people…,” above. White and black populations had distinct traditions of supernatural beliefs.

Library of Congress. (2018). Slave narratives: A folk history of slavery in the U.S., Virginia Narratives, Vol. 1, p. 40.

George Conrad Jr.

“…two dozen…”

William G. Maury’s farm book, while making reference to enslaved persons working at Bowling Green during this time, does not ever specify the number of persons working the farm. As will be seen later, the heyday of the Bowling Green plantation was some years earlier, and slave schedules from this time show only a few enslaved persons belonging to William G. Maury, and his son, William L., Anarcha’s owner. Given the close ties with the Woolfolk family, I suspect that this information about the Woolfolk plantation offers a close estimate as to the total number of enslaved persons at Old Mansion while Anarcha lived there. In addition, as William G. Maury was only a “gentleman farmer,” I suspect that most of the enslaved people on the farm worked in the house, or in support of it. At this time, Old Mansion was not a fully functional plantation at this time.

Fall, R. E. (1989). People, postoffices, and communities in Caroline County, Virginia, 1727-1969. Roswell, Ga: WH Wolfe Associates, p. 25.


“When the Maury slaves…”

Details on the work of the Bowling Green Farm come from William G. Maury’s farm book, which is in the possession of Steve Nicklin, a former owner of Old Mansion.

“…a level for a small cabin…”

From William G. Maury’s farm book, in the possession of Steve Nicklin, a former owner of Old Mansion. The date is October 22, 1855, which is consistent with the date of Anarcha’s initial arrival at Old Mansion. The Maurys will consistently refer to “Anky’s house,” as being “out” away from Old Mansion, and, apparently, separate from the slave quarters.

Steven Nicklin believes that one of several archaeological investigations of the Old Mansion property located artifacts at some distance from the house, but the exact location appears to have been lost.

“…John and Cady…”

From a will of a member of the Woolfolk family, who were relatives by marriage to the Maury family: “…with the following negroes, lent them at their marriage…” The will is in the possession of Steve Nicklin, a former owner of Old Mansion.

“…Arena and Rhena…”

From original birth registers, or transcripts of registers, of Caroline County, held at the Library of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. I am indebted to Char McCargo Bah for making the first discovery of some of these records.

“…until their troubles were over.”

Letter from [unsigned and incomplete] to Ann Fontaine Maury, November 21, 1862. Although this is several years later, I think it’s very likely, given the reasons Lewis Maury purchased Anarcha (see “Buy the girl…,” above), that Anarcha was employed as a midwife and nurse at Old Mansion as well. This letter is held in the Maury Family materials at the Special Collections department of the Swem Library at William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia.

“Betsey’s second baby…”

From original birth registers, or transcripts of registers, of Caroline County, held at the Library of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. I am indebted to Char McCargo Bah for making the first discovery of some of these records.