“…the first Epsom derby…”

Hervey, J., Vosburgh, W. S., Kelley, R. F., & Jockey Club (New York, N.Y.). (1922). Racing in America. New York: Jockey Club, p. 169.

“…nine more consecutive races…”

Hervey, J., Vosburgh, W. S., Kelley, R. F., & Jockey Club (New York, N.Y.). (1922). Racing in America. New York: Jockey Club, p. 170.

“…came to Old Mansion…”

At first, Bowling Green referenced the house, but when the surrounding town took the name Bowling Green, the house became known as Old Mansion. For many years, the two names were used interchangeably, creating a good deal of confusion in my search for Anarcha.

Hervey, J., Vosburgh, W. S., Kelley, R. F., & Jockey Club (New York, N.Y.). (1922). Racing in America. New York: Jockey Club, p. 174.

“…out into the countryside…”

Singleton, E. (1908). The story of the White House, etc. London, Vol. 1, pp. 38-39.

“Old Mansion was owned…”

See “…purchased the Bowling Green plantation…,” above.

Trautvetter, S. A., Garden Club of Virginia., & Rieley & Associates. (2002). Old Mansion: A history of change in the Virginia landscape, Bowling Green, Caroline County, Virginia. Richmond, Va.: Garden Club of Virginia, p. 13.

“…twelve Maury children…”

This document is in the possession of Steve Nicklin, a former owner of Old Mansion in Bowling Green, Virginia.

“…worked for the railroad.”

Haley, G. M. T. (2001). Caroline County: A pictorial history. Virginia Beach, Va: Donning Co, p.19.

The record book that William G. Maury kept of passengers board at the Milford Station is in the possession of Steve Nicklin, a former owner of Old Mansion.

“…a kitchen and a smokehouse…”

“Archaeological Survey of the North Yard of Bowling Green Farm, Bowling Green, Virginia,” by Nicholas M. Luccketti, Principal investigator, and, Thomas F. Higgins, III, November 2006, pp. 6-7, prepared for Steve Nicklin and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. A copy of the report is in the possession of Steve Nicklin, a former owner of Old Mansion.

“Cherry trees…”

Wingfield, M., & Wingfield, E. M. (2005). A history of Caroline County, Virginia: From its formation in 1727 to 1924. Baltimore: Reprinted for Clearfield Co. by Genealogical Pub., p. 357.

“…a great mulberry tree…”

“Archaeological Survey of the North Yard of Bowling Green Farm, Bowling Green, Virginia,” by Nicholas M. Luccketti, Principal investigator, and, Thomas F. Higgins, III, November 2006, pp. 10-11, prepared for Steve Nicklin and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. A copy of the report is in the possession of Steve Nicklin, a former owner of Old Mansion.

“…plots trimmed with box hedges…”

Trautvetter, S. A., Garden Club of Virginia., & Rieley & Associates. (2002). Old Mansion: A history of change in the Virginia landscape, Bowling Green, Caroline County, Virginia. Richmond, Va.: Garden Club of Virginia, pp. 15-16.

“…Colonel Hoomes…”

“A Stroll Through the Past: Retracing the Footsteps of History,” Susan M. Campbell, A Caroline Edition Extra, publication unknown, p. 16.

“…a headless horseman…”

Wingfield, M., & Wingfield, E. M. (2005). A history of Caroline County, Virginia: From its formation in 1727 to 1924. Baltimore: Reprinted for Clearfield Co. by Genealogical Pub., p. 358.

“…the oldest Maury boy…”

See “In 1852…” and “…twelve Maury children…,” above. Ann H. Maury died in 1856, less than a year after her eldest son, John Walker Maury.