“…beds and services for women…”
“…Booth encountered Dr. Marie Zakrzewska…”
“…noted the significance…”
“…Sims’s ledgers…”
“…assisted him with a manuscript…”
“…a legible set of case records…”
“She settled on translations of…”
“Booth received letters…”
“…The Uprising of a Great People…”
“Gasparin had fled France…”
“…declared himself emperor…”
“…beds and services for women…”
As Booth herself described the Infirmary in her famous history of New York.
Booth, M. L. (1859). History of the city of New York, from its earliest settlement to the present time. New York: W.R.C. Clark & Meeker, p. 784.
“…Booth encountered Dr. Marie Zakrzewska…”
FOLEY, T., Mary L. Booth: The Story of an Extraordinary 19th-Century Woman, CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2018, p. 64.
“…noted the significance…”
See “…beds and services for women…,” above.
“…Sims’s ledgers…”
See “She worked as amanuensis…,” above.
“…assisted him with a manuscript…”
See “She worked as amanuensis…,” above.
FOLEY, T., Mary L. Booth: The Story of an Extraordinary 19th-Century Woman, CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2018, p. 68.
“…a legible set of case records…”
The images of Anarcha’s name included in the printed book come from the first and third Woman’s Hospital case record books, held at the Arthur H. Aufses, Jr. Medical Archives and Mount Sinai Records office at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, New York.
The handwriting samples come from two letters of Mary Booth, and demonstrate one version of her capital letter A, and her capital letter M, as she wrote it in her own name.
“She settled on translations of…”
FOLEY, T., Mary L. Booth: The Story of an Extraordinary 19th-Century Woman, CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2018, p. 49.
“Booth received letters…”
FOLEY, T., Mary L. Booth: The Story of an Extraordinary 19th-Century Woman, CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2018, p. 102.
“…The Uprising of a Great People…”
“Gasparin had fled France…”
“…declared himself emperor…”