“…entire septum had sloughed out.”

“Remarks on Vesico-Vaginal Fistule, with an Account of a New Mode of Suture, and Seven Successful Operations,” Nathan Bozeman, Louisville Review, Vol. 1, 1856, pp. 340-41.

“…Delia returned to Montgomery…”

See “…Delia…,” above.

Bozeman, N. (1884). History of the clamp suture of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims, and why it was abandoned by the profession, p. 25.

“In early 1856…”

“Remarks on Vesico-Vaginal Fistule, with an Account of a New Mode of Suture, and Seven Successful Operations,” Nathan Bozeman, Louisville Review, Vol. 1, 1856.

“…he was already making plans…”

Bozeman, J. W. (1885). Sketches of the Bozeman family. Meridian, Miss: Mercury Pub. Co., p. 33.

“…entitled to praise…”

“Remarks on Vesico-Vaginal Fistule, with an Account of a New Mode of Suture, and Seven Successful Operations,” Nathan Bozeman, Louisville Review, Vol. 1, 1856, p. 83.

“…the button suture as an improvement.”

“Remarks on Vesico-Vaginal Fistule, with an Account of a New Mode of Suture, and Seven Successful Operations,” Nathan Bozeman, Louisville Review, Vol. 1, 1856, p. 83.

“Bozeman had appropriated for himself…”

Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, p. 11.

“…to rob Sims of a discovery…”

Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, p. 11.

“…Sims appeared to have stolen…”

See “…the blade of Sims’s speculum…,” above.

Sims, J. M., & New York Academy of Medicine. (1858). Silver sutures in surgery. New York: S.S. & W. Wood, p. 26.

“…Bozeman cured several white women…”

Bozeman, N., & Chaillé, S. E. (1857). Urethro-vaginal and vesico-vaginal fistules: Remarks upon their peculiarities and complications : their classification and treatment : modifications of the button suture : report of cases successfully treated. Montgomery: Barrett & Wimbish, pp. 33, 35; 36-37; 54-55.


Bozeman, N., & Chaillé, S. E. (1857). Urethro-vaginal and vesico-vaginal fistules: Remarks upon their peculiarities and complications : their classification and treatment : modifications of the button suture : report of cases successfully treated. Montgomery: Barrett & Wimbish, pp. 39-40.


Bozeman, N., & Chaillé, S. E. (1857). Urethro-vaginal and vesico-vaginal fistules: Remarks upon their peculiarities and complications : their classification and treatment : modifications of the button suture : report of cases successfully treated. Montgomery: Barrett & Wimbish, pp. 37-38.


Bozeman, N., & Chaillé, S. E. (1857). Urethro-vaginal and vesico-vaginal fistules: Remarks upon their peculiarities and complications : their classification and treatment : modifications of the button suture : report of cases successfully treated. Montgomery: Barrett & Wimbish, pp. 40-41.

“…the girls Lavinia…”

See “…Lavinia…,” above.

Bozeman, N. (1884). History of the clamp suture of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims, and why it was abandoned by the profession, p. 24.

“…and Louisa.”

“Urethro-Vaginal, Vesico-Vaginal, and Recto-Vaginal Fistules; General Remarks; Reports of Cases Successfully Treated with Button Suture,” Nathan Bozeman, The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 17, 1860, pp. 185-86.

“…all except Matilda…”

“Urethro-Vaginal, Vesico-Vaginal, and Recto-Vaginal Fistules; General Remarks; Reports of Cases Successfully Treated with Button Suture,” Nathan Bozeman, The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 17, 1860, pp. 198-99.

“Sims had met Dr. Fordyce Barker…”

Oddly, Sims does not mention Barker in his autobiography. However, Emmet reported that he played a large role at Sims’s New York lecture—I assume this indicates that Barker and Sims had met during one of his summers in New York. As Sims was planning to move to New York even then, I assume his outreach to the medical community began prior to his arrival in 1853.

“A Memoir of Dr. James Marion Sims,” Thomas Addis Emmet, The New York Medical Journal, January 5, 1884, p. 3.

“A rugged Mainer…”

The National cyclopaedia of American biography: Being the history of the United States, as illustrated in the lives of the founders, builders and defenders of the Republic, and of the men and women who are doing the work and molding the thought of the present time. (1968). New York: J.T. White, p. 157.