“…never detailed his experiments on Anarcha…”
Bozeman’s public criticisms came later.
Bozeman, N. (1884). History of the clamp suture of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims, and why it was abandoned by the profession, p. 19.
“On the Treatment of Vesico-Vaginal Fistula,” J. Marion Sims, The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Vol. XXIII, 1852, p. 82.
“…successful only half the time.”
See “…about half the time,” above.
“Remarks on Vesico-Vaginal Fistule, with an Account of a New Mode of Suture, and Seven Successful Operations,” Nathan Bozeman, Louisville Review, Vol. 1, 1856, p. 101.
“…was a failure.”
Bozeman would later forensically document the death of the clamp suture. Surely, Sims would have been aware that the clamp suture had failed well prior to Bozeman forcing his hand.
Bozeman, N. (1884). History of the clamp suture of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims, and why it was abandoned by the profession, p. 48.
“…a new spectacle.”
See “…turn the fraud into a spectacle,” above.
“…thirty perfect cures…”
The fact that this item appeared anonymously is the first hint that Sims had a hand in its composition. In tone and content, it is similar to what Stuart would later produce about Sims, and, as has already been seen, Stuart had immediate access to many New York publications (see “…a total of fifteen publications…,” above).
The New York Medical Gazette, Vol. 7, 1856, p. 375.
“…he performed seven experiments…”
Sims would document the experiments, one by one, in the lecture itself so as to maximize his attempt to humiliate his former friend.
Sims, J. M. (1990). Silver sutures in surgery; together with Clinical notes on uterine surgery. Birmingham, Ala: Classics of Obstetrics & Gynecology Library, p. 13.